I am getting some new tubes for my amp, and I want to do a 24-hour burn in. How?

I am getting some new tubes for my amp, and I want to do a 24-hour burn in. How do I do that?
Do I turn it on but leave it on Standby for 24 hours?

Also, are there any benefits of doing this, anyway?
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Only mechanical things need a "break-in" period! Tubes and transistors - no! Tubes will of course suffer from "aging" as cathode emissions decline with use - noise increases!
Burn in??????!

Tubes sound and perform best during their first 100 hours. Their very best the first 50 hours. They continually degrade after that.
Agree with mapman- why waste tube life- you don't put your car on rollers to bed the tyres in, you just take it easy for a while or end up in a hedge.

Keep a diary of hours and perceived sound if you're that anal unless it's the istant gratification of a bedded in system you're after.