I have a Denon dvd-5000; it won'd read cd-r's

is there any way to make it read them?
It does sound great though!!!!!
My Sony wont read CDR but if I use Maxell RW disc,
with very slow speed on my computer. It will play.
Try it.Actually there was thread on this last year.
My Camelot Roundtable won't play CD-R's, and it does note this in the manual. If the player didn't have such great sound and video, this could be a deal-breaker. It still has been a source of major contention and a bit of an issue with the player. I assume there is some type of a design choice surrounding this fact, but I don't know what it is. I'm planning getting around this by using my PC, integrating a device that passes the digital signal from a USB cable and feeds it out a coaxial digital cable. I will be running it into a digital input on my processor that is integrated into my audio rig. It might not be the greatest fidelity, but who knows...I'm looking forward to checking it out. Planning on picking up the device this weekend actually.
Prpixel wrote:

CDR's are different than regular cd's; the substrate is Aluminum on CD's and chemical based in CDR's.

this might be the key; is there a way around this, like recording on a different kind of blank or treating the disks
after they are recorded or? obviously this is not so uncommon for owners of older, worth keeping units. je