I have a general question about surround sound.

What is the big deal about multichannel music? I see where many of the new SACD's are multichannel. Does this make the recording seem more lifelike? When we go to a concert, the music only comes from in front of us. Isn't that the purpose of the two speakers in our stereo systems? Why do we need two behind us? I understand about ambient noise, reflections, etc. It just seems to me that music is more accurately reproduced with two channels rather than multichannel. Could I please get some feedback and whether you agree or disagree with me and why.
The hallambience can be much more than hinted at IMO. As my system has "matured" with room treatments, cables, power-line conditioning,equipment isolation, speaker placement, tube selection etc ,,, hall ambience has come out to an astounding level. So much so that seated anywhere close to the sweet spot, you do feel surrounded by the music.
Your a lucky man. It's amazing that something as remote as equipment isolation would have an effect (placebo, maybe?) on ambiance. I maintain my point that anyone so enslaved to two channel would have been equally enslaved to mono. Audio of the high-end persuasion is going nowhere fast since there are too may sacred cows and belief in voodoo.
Just a clarification ... I am not enslaved to 2 channel, or mono - not sure what I said to give that impression. I indeed have a surround system and listen and view in multi-channel. I also listen to 2 channel. When I first installed everything, as one example, I preferred to listen to the Eagles Hell Freezes over in surround. As my system matured as described before, I can now say that I will listen to it in 2 channel as well. And if I am doing normal CDs they are MUCH better after all the work.