I Just Don't Get Video

At this years CES, I was able to catch the Faroudja demo, which some of you may have also seen.

I rarely watch television and dont get too excited about video, but I must say it looked AMAZING -- a scene from a recent (?) movie showing a high school drum corp competition or something.

Because I am clueless about video, I felt a bit like the audio neophyte that may like what he hears but just has no idea what he is listening to or where or how to attribute the quality or critique various aspects of the sound.

From what little I now understand, that demo used Faroudja's new DLP front projector ($12,500?) and a combination DVD player and video processor that I think is about another $10,000. Didnt ask about the screen but I imagine it costs more than a bedsheet as well.

Unfortunately, 12,500 is a bit more than I want to spend on the projector and my wife is lobbying for a 50" flat plasma screen at the foot of the bed.

Therefore, could someone please explain video processors and how they would impact my watching Time Warner Cable in HD in New York City?

Would a processor dramatically enhance the occasional DVD on my Sony 9000 ES?

Would it make sense to invest in a processor even if I went with a more ordinary and less expensive -- albeit HD - display device?

Or -- extra credit !! -- is there a bargain out there for last years model where I can get 90% of Faroudja's demo for < 50% of the price?

I am familiar with avsforum, but apparently this topic is far too babyish to get anyones attention or interest.

Could someone answer my question from an Audiogoner's perspective?

If I do capitulate and go for the plasma -- the new 50" Fujitsu, for example -- can someone tell me what happens to Time Warner Cable in HD and the occasional DVD if I geek out with a processor?
There a number of DLP projectors(4:3,XGA) in the $2k to 4k (street price) that incorporate "some" faroudja processing (if not present in the dvd player) & will get you "80%" of the way towards the "best", another $1 to 2k for a screen & some serious blinds for ambient light control & you'll be set(and the screen doubles as a "bass trap" as a bonus)
Yeah...I saw that Faroudja demo at CES also. Very nice.
With the big screen they had, I thought you'd comment on the High-Definition life-sized swimsuit models !LOL!
You don't have to get a Faroudja. Check http://www.projectorcentral.com/rpt_top_10_free.cfm