I just sold my cd player what should i get?

I just sold my Arcam Alpha6 cd player and now i need a new one .My budget is approx.2500Cdn.I am considering the Linn Genki,Musical Fidelity 3.2,and a Naim 3.5(?).My system consists of a Linn LP12(valhalla)with an akito arm and Troika cartridge.Amp is a Classe Ten,pre-amp is Classe four.speakers are Castle Howards bi-wired with Linn K400 cable.tape deck is a Nakamichi LX5.Interconnects are mainly Transparent Super and the power cords are mostly Wireworld Stratus. I listen to rock and roll, blues, and country stuff like the Flying Burrito bros.I'd like to hear your opinions. Thanks
easy- the Naim CD5 or a Rega Jupiter. The Jupiter sounds like a 3-4k player, competitive with the Linn Ikemi- the CD5 is the way to go especially if you want to upgrade- spend 900 more and buy a Flat Cap II power supply.
Ok My last post last June that I will send my sony9000es
to Dan Wright (Modwright).How did it sound sooo..musical
lifelike,holgraphic sound,voices are with lust and sweet,
the redbook is very good, my old cd collections sounded
like never before.With the$1740 I spend, at first I felt
I could have both onother unit.Out of the box, I felt it
is worth it,A month later I felt the money I paid Dan
is so cheap, In my system this cdp especially in Sacd
mode is unbeatable, I heard expensive sacd player like
the 5k consonance, the nuvista musical fidelity,even the
sony777es. the decision is yours.Good Luck
I'm still using Arcam ALPHA 6 and have SONY 9000ES (unmoded) and Arcam is better them SONY in SACD mode, and I'm going to upgrade too, but now I will be more cautious (SONY was supposed to be upgrade) :(.
Sorlowski I have the Ah with upsampler and 7308 tubes
siemens extremely musical player,I also have the msb with upgrade power,and cec transport ,this two front end,are
very musical, but when I got my sony back from Modwright
I forgot this two front end, Like I said the sony in sacd
mode is unbeatable,in redbook according to Tvad agoners
it became closer to the electrocompaniet 5k,Do I believe
him yes, without a doubt,the piano on my andra with sony
9000es ITS LIVE,Eva Cassiddy rise from the dead,I get
scared sometimes, I can only play her cd during the day
eh ehe ehe..Its also the sweetness and naturality that
I like.Well maybe the reason why my sony
sounds very good ,because I use it direct to amp,Dan
put volume control,and for $1700 it sould perform, It did,
beyond my expectation.The only reason I like to share this
experience, so we dont have to apply for second morgage
to finance our crazy hooby.