A Turntable has many options on how to create a differing interface between the Stylus > LP > Platter, in which most cases a Platter Mat is the Option, even though there are some other methods used of which some users are convinced works for the better in their set ups and environment,
Focusing on a Platter Mat, there are a large variety of materials from Paper to Metal, as well as identical materials produced in a different thickness.
Each material type will be used to perform one function only, which is to create a Layer in a construction.
A Typical Construction being a Rack/Shelf > Footers > Sub Plinth > Footers > Plinth > with the Typical additional attachments being Turntable Chassis > Platter > Tonearm.
A Tonearm receives a Cartridge as the fastened attachment and the Platter usually receives a Platter Mat, which is most commonly laid on the Platter without any method the fasten it.
A Platter Mat can have a profound effect on a presentation, there are interfaces created using certain materials where the perception of the replay is immediately detected as being a detractor, and the loss of detail and smearing of information is quite noticeable.
There are also interfaces created using certain materials where the performance is detected as being an attractor, the information retrieval is quite impressive and there is also a perception of realism and honesty that are quite noticeable.
I am not sure if there is a ubiquitous mat material that offers the same properties in all set ups and environments, as I have had exceptional results with certain mat materials in my own system, and when these and other owned mat materials have been loaned into other systems the impressions were changed and other mat materials had been given favour.
It is really a case of turnover of mat materials until the most impressive one is discovered.
In the case of myself and most people I know with a TT, Rubber and Felt Mats are not usually maintained, they are exchanged for other mat types.