I’m gob smacked. What were you’re aha moments?

Had a productive couple of weeks on the used gear market and today has been digital demo day (Analog arrives next week). Added a Bryston BCD-3 and original Tara Labs Prime I/C’s to my system at very good prices. 

I don’t have “golden ears” by any stretch but I’m gob smacked at the results.

The BCD-3 is replacing an Oppo UDP-205 w/ DHL BL-1 I/C’s. Rest of gear is an Anthem STR integrated and ML Monti’s. My bass has easily doubled, maybe tripled. I can feel the pressurization in my room and it’s tight not bloated. 

I think this has been the biggest jump up in SQ I’ve experienced. What were your biggest surprises/improvements regardless of budget?

My first tube amp; CJ Premier 140,... from McIntosh MC7300. I listened for 4 hours straight. My first horn speaker, the Klipsch Fortee series 2. My first mono block amps, Conrad Johnson Premier 12’s. I sat and listened all day mesmerized by the everything I put on. My CJ Premier 350 solid state stereo amp. It was as if a vail had been lifted. I was transported to first row seats at the concert.  Finally my Pass Labs XA25. I quickly sold all CJ amps and found audio heaven. My Merging+NADAC was a complete eye opener to a endless quality digital world. I’ve sold my JA Michell ORBE turntable. 
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Curtesy of Audiogon discussion forum:

Modification of my thirty year old Magnepan MG IIIa’s due to generosity of Peter Gunn.

Installation of DYI interconnects derived from friendly and patient input from Steve Reeve and Joe Levy.

Installation of 0 AWG speaker cables designed by b4icu.

Installation of Yeti battery power supply.

These are inexpensive tweaks yielding big dividends.

I am looking forward to learning of additional tweaks from Audiogon posters.


 There certainly have been several really excellent milestones. Like going from a Khartago to I Kismet Reference from Odyssey. But sometimes it’s a small change, usually inexpensive, that makes an unexpectedly great change in SQ. ...
Herbies decoupling sliders under the spikes of my Aria 936s. Improvement in clarity and presence is stunning. 
First time listening to my roommates Quad 57s in 1973 or thereabouts, in college. He built his own solid state amp which was a state-of the art design in 1972. The thing got extremely hot playing the Rite of Spring, but it kept going. Those 57s were unforgettable, but I did not get my own Quads (2905s) until 8 years ago. They are keepers.