I'm thinking that youngsters are getting burned .

I was thinking that youngsters and the financially challenged are getting burned by the audio press. Do they know that they can have music in the home cheaply? A Rega-Planar 3(or according to some, a Music Hall turntable) and maybe 20 pre-1982 albums will get music in the home, period. You don't have to have the big bucks. What I would like to discuss is those 20 albums. The idea came to me as I was listening to Gerry Rafferty's "City to City". I would include 3 Beatles' albums, their White album, "Abbey Road", and "Magical Mystery Tour"(don't buy these from a store-too expensive.). I have, at least, a class C cd player, and I suggest that you can get music cheaper.
I'm not sure I follow about the Porsches.

My interpretation of the original post was "why spend a lot of money when you can have music very cheaply?"

My point was that you can apply that philosophy to just about anything once you get past the basic necessities to sustain life. That doesn’t mean I agree with it. I clearly see the difference in a Mercedes and Kia . I was just pointing out that if you adhere to the cheap music philosophy then you should also choose the Kia. I prefer the Mercedes.
herman, instead of buying the merceds, by a kia and donate the difference to charity.

i beleive in value, if you are paying more than something is worth, you should buy something else even though you can afford the more expensive and overpriced item.
herman, you took the bait. evidently you couldn't detect the humor in my post.

either i need to go back to comedy school or you need to get in touch with your humerous side.

i wouldn't react too harshly, its bad for your blood pressure.

another piece of advice you proably don't want. stop taking life so seriously. lighten up.
Mr. Tennis, I do have a sense of humor and take things as lightly as they warrant. I may be wrong but from looking through your other threads you seem to enjoy taking unconventional positions just to see what responses you can get. Some call this trolling. Some feel this is enjoying yourself at the expense of others. Most simply call this childish. Since by your own admission you think that "baiting" people on these forums is an acceptable practice I must respectfully disagree and will avoid engaging you in the future.
hi herman. it's a 2 way street. i have been on the reciving end of comments which were meant to be humorous. realizing this , i am trying to lighten up and not take these discussion forums to seriously.

while i may have teased you in this instance, i don't think that i have been doing this all the time. i'll let you be the judge. but remember, judge not lest ye be judged.

in the future i'll try to be more helpful.