I made up my mind what to buy for Triangle Celius

I made up my mind what to buy for Triangle Celius.
It is Prima Luna Prologue. It may not be the best amp. However, It is very attractive and affordable one for the beginners.
However, Here's my question. Now I have to decide whether to buy Prologue One or Two. Please read my explanation on why I should buy Prologue one instead of Two and correct me if I'm wrong. Any kind of advice will be welcome.

MY understanding is that One is using EL34 and Two is using TT88. I prefer One since EL34 gives warmer sounds and detailed midrange, which should match very well with crispy and bright Triangle.
Two with TT88 gives more punch and power which very sensitive Triangle wouldn't need.

I would like to hear anything from you.
Thank you,
I would be concerned with pairing too many tube components together with the resultant sound being a little too soft. For under a grand, I would be looking at either the Music Hall MMF CD 25 ($540) or the Rega Apollo ($1000 ... though I might wait for the next production run as Rega has been working out some transport quirks with this new model).

I had used the Music Hall initially with the Prima Luna 2 (before giving the MH to my brother) and was very impressed with how the two sounded together ... excellent overall musical tone and clarity. I have been using a SONY SCD 555ES SACD player (which I have had for 5 years) with the Prologue Two and while it sounds very good, it's not the MH ... though this is also my SACD system. I have wanted a Rega for awhile now and when the SONY goes, the Apollo will be the route that I will go.

With my Prima Luna 5, I am using a Musical Fidelity A3.2 (in the guise of a CD PRE 24). Those two sound positively elegant and refined together. Upscale Audio has some MF A3.2 open stock around for about a grand. While you're ordering your Prima Luna, speak to Kevin about the MF.

Regards, Rich
Agree with Rar1, don't get too many tubes going. Arcam FMJ CD23, Rega Appollo or Jupiter are good SS machines that sound good with tubes and represent good value. I have not heard the MF machines, probably good choice there also. If you want SACD capability Denon 2910 or 3910 are solid choices or if you want to step up a notch McCormack UDP-1. Good luck and good listening.
I heard those speakers with Rogue Cronus Integrated
amp -WOW WOW ! A match made in heaven-