I miss my Tubes

I have a Unison Unico and I am very happy with it, but I still miss my tubes. I just dont know which direction to go. I have very limited access to tube products where I live, so I will have to make a "leap of faith" in terms of a tube purchase. I have owned a couple of tube push/pull integrateds but, what I am trying to decide on is would I like to delve into the world of SET amps. I would like to go to tube monos, but they are a little price prohibited for any amount of watts. The only SET I have heard is a ASL 300B parrellel integrated and it was too wispy for me, so maybe a 845 SET, I just dont know. Maybe I should stay with push/pull monos. My speakers are Coincident S E III so, I can do what I want from that stand point( very efficent speakers). I like pop/rock, folk, some jazz and classical.
Your thoughts would be appreciated.
If you can go with just one source, you might want to consider a Micro-zotl, esp. of your room is not big. Right now I am listening w/90dB/w/m monitors in a 12X14 room and it sounds awefully nice (and its a great headphone amp as well).