I need help choosing a power conditioner.

I am interested in adding an inexpensive power line conditioner to a second system that I have in a spare bedroom. Stereo only, no video. Budget is $150.00 used and some recommended contenders are, API Power Pack 2, Adcom Ace 515, one of the various Monsters, 2500 maybe. Degree of system improvement is the only criteria and I would appreciate input from respondants with experience with at lease two units so that I can get a contrast. Please feel free to add other models into the mix. Your knowledge and guidance are greatly appreciated.
$150 is a hard call, adcom seems to be popular, you might be able to score a good deal on a used monster 3500. very nice unit workrd great for the bucks!
Out of the ones listed definitely the Audio Power Pack II. It does the best job in my opinion and has a detachable power cord, so you can tweek that system further with a better cord. They do give you a good fat one with the unit new.

The Monster is OK and will do a decent job. It is well like by many for the cost.

I would avoid the Adcom. A few I heard actually added noise to the system.

Another nice unit in that price range is the Vansevers Super Companion.

Viridian, Check the Dave Magnan home-brew recipes for power conditioning. He gives simple solutions for little money if you are a little handy with a soldering iron.