I Was Considering Active, Then I Watched This ...

I forgot how, but I will try and get some photos up of the room up. I haven't even taken possession yet, so they might just be from the MLS site.

Maybe I'll call Fritz about a floor stander Eric?

Thanks for all the info folks, great stuff.


If this worked, the speakers would be on either of the fireplace (which will be removed). I think, from the corner on the left to the side of the door is around 12’. Windows to the left (no widow coverings). Room L’s into the small kitchen to the right. The length of the room is 40’ with the front door exactly opposite the one you see in the pic.

Slightly vaulted ceiling walls are wood paneling and eventually, the floors will be vinyl planked floors. The ceiling is OSB which I think is a bit sound deadening?

The person who built the house must have worked at an OSB factory or something a lot of the interior walls are OSB too. Not to mention the top side of the ceiling joists and the underside of the floor joists are also fully sheathed in OSB. Unrelated, but kinda weird.

I originally had some Spatial in mind or maybe some Magnapans but I’ve heard neither. With little room to pull any speakers out into the room, away from the wall (there will be couches and chairs in close proximity, then a dining table beyond that). I think anything that needs room to breathe might not be a good fit.

This is when I started thinking active(ly).

I was hoping that our next home would have had a nice, dedicated listening room, but as I previously mentioned, due to Covid, my wife and I had to step it down a bit. Basically, this place is a cabin.

Not in a rush either, this home is in a big state of disrepair. I am hoping to be listening to some tunes by late next summer, after getting through this mess.

For that "Close to the wall thing" I going to listen to some (passive) Larsons on the 26th.
I don't understand why you need a speaker manufacturer to build an active speaker, when you can make a lot of speakers active with an active crossover and your choice of amps. 
That's "invalid" I am not seeking a speaker manufacturer to build me an active speaker, but I do like your advice. I will need to research what you are talking about and see how to exactly do this.
Damning truth for me is that I have been going to trade shows for 30 years and have never heard anything particularly good as the rooms are awful and totally mask speakers. If you are using shows as reference I don’t know what to say.

Active speakers will be for people who want accurate reproduction. Passive speakers will be for people who think what they like is accurate.

It is impossible to achieve in a passive speaker what is possible in an active speaker. It is a simple truth.
douglas_schroeder2,742 posts12-10-2020 9:12pmOne damning truth for me is that in 15 years of shows I don’t recall any active speaker (Legacy audio being the exception; hybrid) making my top 3 of show, ever. Until they actually DO outperform they are for me a waste of my time.