Ideal SUT for Lyra Olympos cartridge?

I have a Lyra Olympos on a Graham Phantom arm and like this combination alot. I am looking for the SUT that can best match this cartridge. I've got a rather inexpensive Cinemag which simply doesn't highlight the attricutes of this cartridge at all. Price aside, what would fellow Goners suggest and where to get it. Auditorium, Express, Shindo, looking for some meat on the bones type of sound and hopefully some flexibility for future carts.
Dear Syntax/Dertonarm: Some of the audio learning curve " stages/steps " where both of you are and where I'm are different and nothing wrong with this because almost each one of us have their very specific Audio Learning Curve Status/Level.

Both of you still are on SUTs, heavy mass TTs, LOMC cartridges, tubes, vintage tonearms and the like.

I already been in all those audio " subjects/stages/steps " where I enjoyed each one of them at maximum and where I ( like Dertonarm posted. ) learned a lot and in deep in each one " stage ".

IMHO I'm an empirical audio " researcher " and as you know a person that likes audio " adventures out of the box ". This IMHO healthy attitude permit me over the time to grow-up and improve on almost any audio area where you ( sooner or latter ) will be in the future.

I, in no way, have any " orientation " by any reason to support in deep audio technology or audio items that already " get out of time/expire " for me due to a better audio options.
Don't you think that this learning process was a " fast track " one, no it takes a lot of years of enjoyment ( at each item stage. ), tests, tests and more tests: tests/experiences over a wide of audio systems different from mine. I take audio and music very seriously always.

Yes, right now I left behind all those " stages " that you both support because I learned that there are way better " roads " and audio technology to improve any system quality performance level.

Right now I support that digital could and can outperform the analog experience and for many people this can't be: I have to be wrong.
I understand why the persons could think in this way because they and their audio systems are in a different ALCS.

In the future you as many other analog oriented persons will agree that digital is not the " way to go " but another great and unexpected " way to go ".

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Syntax: +++++ " I forgot more about High Quality analog reproduction you will ever learn. Live in peace with MM Cartridges. " +++++

yes I know that you just forgot it. Then I suppose you need to learn again or stay where you are.

Yes too, I'm still learning on analog that's why I understand the whole MM/MI subject.

In the other side there are several persons that for different reasons stops their audio/music learning process and stop their grow-up, I did/do not.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Dertonarm: +++++ " constantly learning, constantly growing-up (god - he must be tall by now !) " +++++

agree, I can't be said it in better way!

+++++ " he is the one only "objective" source of information here on Audiogon. " +++++

fortunately not, there are several persons with different ALCL in different audio subjects where I follow my learning process and where other people do the same.

In the other side you have an ALCL where in some audio subjects several persons in this forum are at higher level ( that you are. ) on that same Audio Learning Curve subject or it is that you are still thinking what you posted when you begin in this forum? remember?:

" I don't have nothing to learn on audio ", this was your " intimidate/tion " Agon presentation.

Over time several persons show you ( one and again. ) that you was and are wrong with what you think of your overall audio knowledge level.
The latest one ( a few days ago. ) was John_gordon on that SME subject: remember?

Regards and enjoy the music,

Dear Vusi_khumalo: +++++ " what alcohol or drug I was on one night " +++++

certainly that was fortunate for you and your Colibri.

I like very much the Colibri and other MC cartridges and till today the way that permit that the MC cartridge shows its best is through active high gain stage.

There are a lot of posts and threads on the SUT overall subject so I don't want to start something that you can find elsewhere I only want to say that more and more persons like you already " discovered " a better " road " than SUTs for their beloved LOMC cartridges: they simply grow-up/learned.

Btw, I like you learned some things by " accident " a fortunate accident I have to say.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Well, Syntax in his human materialistic form is 6 feet and 4 inches - rather tall and pretty grown up.
I wonder whether his critic here can match that ...
In any case - I had those top-flight MM and MI cartridges when they were new - not NOS ... - and used them with nice results. I still continued to listen with joy to the sound of the modified ML180 ( aside my LOMCs ...) in the early 1990ies - which was a steal for the money.
But I too saw the decline of the MM and MI ( aside from Joe Grado who never ever gave in ...) when high gain phono stages and high quality SUTs came up during the second half of the 1980ies.
I understand everyone who favors MM.
I understand everyone who wants to use the "straight in" approach with LOMCs too.
I used a cascaded Fet preamp with 78 dB phono gain in the early 1990ies. Enough gain to work even with a 0.15mV LOMC straight in.
Back then I was all in the "straight in"- camp and hated SUTs.
Till I first encountered a LOMC with a perfect matching SUT of top-quality.

I know too, that SUT is not en vogue in some parts of the american audio community. I have learned too, that technical and synergetic aspects of corresponding coils and thus truly matching SUTs for a given LOMC aren't appreciated in some circles either.
But all that is not my problem.
MM do have a strong following and ever had - and there are reasons for that. Those reasons however do not appeal to me, as I never had the problems they cure.

But who knows? Maybe soon we will see a new thread named "Who needs LOMC when we have MM ?" .... just kidding ...

The ideal SUT for the Olympos? - that was the initial question, wasn't it?
Simple and straight answer: a SUT with a primary matching the inductance of the Olympos' coil source inductance.
Further look out for maximum bandwidth (= lowest phase shift) and frequency extension especially in the low register.
The gain that SUT will offer is a direct result of the matching coils and will be between 16 and 22 dB.
The ideal SUT for a given cartridge is the corresponding 2nd half of an integrated system consisting of a moving coil cartridge and the matching SUT (not my idea, but the way it was intended to be by definition of the engineers who invented the moving coil principle in phono cartridges).
So that search should be guided by the technical parameters of the Olympos. Hardly by likes, dislikes, recommendations or caveats of other audiophiles who do not have the Olympos - nor do know what a quality SUT really is, how the synergy with the right LOMC works and how it shall be used.
