IEC to a 2 prong-wire amp

I dug through some of the old threads until my eyes were aching (**) but I didn't find exactly what I was looking for. Has anyone here installed a standard female 3 point IEC into a amp that originally only had a lamp cord style 2 prong, wire? If so is there some place on the inside for the neutral pin?
I'm still playing around with this idea. I am wondering if the silver solder at radio Shack is good enough. I thought maybe down the line I might want to tweak something more expensive. Also has anyone tried the new battery operated solder gun?

I'm thinking for buying the IEC from Audionut. is there a difference in quality?
I do this to every amp that I rebuid , which is alot of amps....20-30 a year.... I use a Green-lee punch which costs 400.00 to cut the hole ..... I used to do it with the nibbler...I then wire the socket to the two old wires, I then run the ground wire though a switch to the chassis ground.....That way you can switch the ground in and out , which ever works the best for you....
If you don't want to mess around too much and get your hands dirty, this may be the easy solution. I've no experience with it myself, but I bookmarked this page in case I ever needed one.