If money is not a problem

What speakers would you buy if you had unlimited funds?
You all seem to have forgotten the unlimited funds. You would own it all. A different room for horns another for electrostats etc etc.

I have seen the guy in Japan who used the basement as his sub. He has a man hatch in the room to go down to inspect the drivers! I think they were 8x 15"JBL woofers in a horn the size of the room. He could stand in the passage. You have got to love that kind of dedication to the cause. There would still be change left over to fill up the wine cellar... if that too hadnt been turned into a sub...
Not sure I would ever be satified with only one pair of speakers, as there may likely not ever be one perfect design for all music. So, I'd have several rooms dedicated to audio, each one fitted with an optimally tweaked system for specific music: one room for jazz; one for female vocals, acoustic guitar, and chamber; one for decently recorded rock/blues; one for poorly recorded rock/blues/metal/punk; and one for classical and opera. And perhaps one room for vinyl, although I'm not sure I'd want to spend the time getting back into that. Oh, and one for Kenny G - the system would consist of a wood (plastic) chipper.