If money were no object, what would be in your rig

Many of us have admired great systems on Audiogon like Albert Porters and some of us prefer a more simpler system. If you could change any component(s) what would it be and why? Or are you satisfied with what you have?
Top shelf Ayre electronics, including the dps turntable, and either Vandersteen Sevens or Avalon Time.
Have you actually heard Exemplar's Oppo conversion?
A good friend received his just the other day and, in accordance with all known 'rules of audio' we listened to it right out of the box...still a little cool to the touch.
I owned Exemplar's Dennon 5910 conversion, and felt that it was some of the finest digital that I had ever heard, with Exemplar using the Active Tube loads as well as replacing the 'el cheapo' parts through the audio section.
Well, now I'm a little bit sick...the new Oppo unit makes my unit sound 'broken' for want of a better description. It really is REMARKABLE. It's clearer, by a wide margin, and with no 'etching' which can be common to such improvements...as a matter of fact it sounds so much smoother, and more musical, as to not be believed. I recently dusted off my LP12, and am about to put it back in the system--but know in my gut that their's no way that it can sound better than this masterpiece from Exemplar.
I was, at a time in audio when I thought it impossible, 'shocked' at the difference. It's the best digital I've ever heard, by a margin I can't describe. Run, don't walk, and order one.

Good Question. I think about that since 04-21-10 and I still have no idea what I should replace. But I won't give up ... :-)
Lrsky, yes I have one. I know how you feel as I had the Exemplar moded Shanling, which was excellent. The Exemplar/Oppo takes a long time to reach its best. I also had the Denon 5910, the 2900, and the 3910. John is a brilliant guy.