if replace stock kt88 to el34 tubes , help

i buy some el34 now the bias its on center on kt88

if i replace the stock kt88 i need put the voltage lower in el34 new tubes then after 30 minutes to bias to center?


on what amp??? on some you may not switch from one to the other...

also, this post is in the analog section.... doesn't belong here

Analogue means turntables, tonearms, cartridges. The moderator can move this thread if necessary.

@russ69 has provided the proper procedure to bias power tubes. My question is what amp do you have and does it work with both those tube types?

op a noob with 3 posts, but plenty cocky, despite asking dumb-ass question without providing knowledgeable people here with critical info to properly answer

off to a really nice start 👍