if you remove 100% brick wall limiting from digital audio will it sound like vinyl

Sam here again and I've noticed the less digital brick wall limiting an album has, the more it sounds like vinyl. If you remove all the brick wall limiting for the loudness wars will it sound the same as vinyl? And if upsampling to dsd moves the noise well above 22khz will downsampling back to 16/44 flac using a high pass filter to remove all noise above 22khz remove the digital brick limiting and sound more like vinyl.
 And if upsampling to dsd moves the noise well above 22khz will downsampling back to 16/44 flac using a high pass filter to remove all noise above 22khz remove the digital brick limiting and sound more like vinyl.

22Khz that is way up there. I met a man that could hear above 22 Khz.

1 in 350,000 can hear above 20khz (1985)

Good ears are 28hz 16khz anything above is a plus.  

You can filter 22khz > with a voltage cleaner, too... just saying. I don't see the reason to begin with.

Must say, Sam you sure stay after it.. I admire the Terrier in you...

As some have pointed out here in response to your other, similar posts on this topic: There is no such thing as "brick wall limiting." So it isn't clear what you're talking about or what you're trying to achieve.