If you won the power ball tomorrow night would you

1. Upgrade parts of you're system.
2.  Get rid of everything you have and start over again.
3.  Buy a new house and build a dedicated listening room.
4.  Hire a consultant to put together a system for you.
5.  Just enjoy what you have and buy more music.

That's enough money to buy an Oceanfront home on the East Coast with a large listening room with floor to ceiling windows all around so I can watch the sunrise listening to some great tunes and then get in my chartered jet and fly to my West Coast oceanfront home with floor to ceiling windows to watch the sunset and listen to some great music. 
1. Buy presidency. Not US presidency.
2. Slightly improve my stereo, by a factor of 10.
3. Not a dime to any charity, might set-up my own.
Alternatively, could sacrifice the presidency and stereo upgrade, form private Foreign Legion and stop the war in Syria within two months. Doctors Without Borders and Save The Children wouldn't be needed there much.
Don't wanna sound like a jerk here but, charities will not be the first thing I think of if I hit for 1 billion dollars. 
All this "doctor's without borders" talk is NOT why I'm reading this thread.
Come on guys. Say something....
...I don't know.......exciting. Remember, you just hit for a BILLION dollars.
After/if I made it through the first few weeks of partying like the wolf of wallstreet, then I'll start to think about charities. 
If I'm not dead. Lol