Import CD Question

When buying imports, specifically Japanese, is there a significant improvement in sound verses a standard CD?

I've seen various types of Japanese imports but am confused by their desriptions.

12x12 Japan LP Sleeve?
DSD Mastering
Limited Edition?

What should I be looking for when my intent is the best sounding CD possible?

2. Many Japanese CDs sound great, some are mediocre and some are poor. It's a crap shoot. Best thing is to ask for feedback and opinions of specific titles on forums such as the 'Gon

I hear this argument often, which is sort of misleading. I am an avid Japanese CD and LP collector, and I would say that in 75% of the cases, the Japanese release sounds better than its US counterpart. In that event. it is not a "crap shoot", I cannot recall when I found a Japanese release which sounded worse than a US release, the same perhaps, but never worse.

So i guess my point is, if you are willing to spend the extra cash, you can't go wrong in terms of Sound quality by going for a Japanese pressing.
I agree, many Japanese CDs sound excellent as I stated earlier. But, why pay the premium price for those that are average or poor even if they are marginally better than or the same as the corresponding US release?
Thus my suggestion to get some direction before purchase. Your money would be best spent on the higher quality better sounding product. Without some feedback and opinions on sound quality it is a crap shoot.
To say that ALL Japanese CDs sound better than their US counterparts just isn't true.
Ron, I know of no such site. If you could list some things you're interested in perhaps someone will post with opinions. One word of warning though, many titles exist in 3-4 releases so it's best to refer to album number as well as title.
The ones I am looking at are mostly 60-70-80's rock but am open to all music style.

If memory serves most of the titles were Rolling Stones titles (Exile on Main St. - Beggars Banquet - Goats Head Soup) and there was also Santana (Abraxas)...