Importance of recapping a SS amp?

I have an Odyssey Stratos power amp that I purchased new in 2000. It has been suggested that it should be recapped just because of its age. I've not detected any sonic decline. Is this considered standard practice with a solid state amp of this age? When I've googled it, most of hits concern vintage tube amps.

Thanks for any advice.

ones not being used for the long time no matter tube or semi-conductor amps will most-likely need recap. ones being used will last much longer before this replacement is needed. Usually you may develop an unwanted intermittent humm.
Gear unused for a long time (years) need reconditioning - applying lower voltage (perhaps 50%) and increasing it slowly over day or two. It is because without the voltage electrolyte eats dielectric layer (aluminum oxide) reducing breakdown voltage, while presence of the voltage rebuilds this layer.

Electrolytic caps simply dry-out over time. Each 10degC temp increase cuts life of capacitor by two. At room temperatures you should get at least 50 years. It might appear as poor control over bass (wooly bass) since dried out capacitors have higher internal resistance (ESR) thus reducing dynamics. When caps are really old and show symptoms of high ESR they should be replaced because they could explode. It is because higher ESR increases capacitor's temperature and temperature increases ESR - avalanche effect. You don't have to worry about it perhaps for 40 years (if we're still alive).
Here's the key. I agree with most of the response above. Think of high end electronic equipment that same way you would about mechanical equipment. Everything requires routine inspection, maintenance and possible repairs at some time or another. Power output transistors are typically connected mechanically to heat sinks using heat sink compound and insulators. Over time the heat sink compound dries out and the insulators (especially older mica ones) dry and crack, which will cause the transistor's case to short against the heat sink and boom. No more channel. The way to prevent this is to open the amp, remove and replace the heat sink compound, transistor insulators and upgrade the transistors to newer better, more linear devices. This is called preventive maintenance. but, it isn't needed or required until either 1) the device fails, or 2) Many years have gone by, which suggest it may be a good idea to do this before it fails.

Does one wait until their car fails before performing maintenance? absolutely not. The manufacturer often suggest a maintenance/component replacement timeline. The same is true for electronics.

Waiting for capacitors or transistors or tubes or tube sockets to fail may also take out some other components.

Here's the key for me. If I have no plans on replacing that amp, because in my opinion, I am "there", then Yes, I'll inspect the amp's components to see if there may be issues if the amps is getting on in age. Capacitors that may be on the verge of failing, swell, or leak, which is pretty obvious to see. Sometimes, they exhibit no visible problems and simply fail.

Amps with slow start circuitry tend to not stress the caps as much because the allow the caps to charge slower before connecting to the main circuitry and presenting them with full load. The life of the amp and caps and circuitry is extended.

Don't believe the hype from some that suggest that "newer" amps are that much better than older ones. This is typically not the case. But, is more in line with companies having to come out with something new every so often to keep sales up and compete with other companies.

If you are concerned, open the amp, inspect (or have a qualified tech) inspect the amp's circuitry and if the need arises, replace the caps.

But don't worry about it. Inspection and preventive maintenance is a good thing for any equipment.

Thanks again for all of the responses. The amp has been used fairly regularly over the year so unless some sonic issues arise, I will likely sit tight for now.