I used to own a Wavelength Cosecant V3 asynch USB DAC. While no computer that I tried sounded bad with it, there were some differences in sound between different computers, which tells me cleanliness of the USB output does have some effect at least with that particular DAC.
However, the differences between transports with the Wavelength were no where near as great as the differences between transports with my old MHDT Labs Havana DAC.
I think the most important aspect of a computer in the listening room is finding a computer that is very quiet from the perspective of fan and hard drive noise.
I used to own a Wavelength Cosecant V3 asynch USB DAC. While no computer that I tried sounded bad with it, there were some differences in sound between different computers, which tells me cleanliness of the USB output does have some effect at least with that particular DAC.
However, the differences between transports with the Wavelength were no where near as great as the differences between transports with my old MHDT Labs Havana DAC.
I think the most important aspect of a computer in the listening room is finding a computer that is very quiet from the perspective of fan and hard drive noise.