I have had 5 different rooms over the years and never used treatments and always got superb sound. I find that people who try treatments almost always over damp there rooms. Not a fan of room treatment
In a lot of these threads people say without the room being treated
I would agree with Alan here. I suppose if you had a dedicated listening room that was never used for anything else, then it might be worth exploring some treatment. But for most of us, our systems are in our living rooms. Usually, just playing around with where the rest of the furniture is located, and making sure there are no blank walls, etc. will do the trick, and adding room treatments to an already crowded room almost always deaden the room too much. I will also add that in many cases, people who have resorted to room treatments in a living room could have solved the problem with trying a different set of speakers. |
Agree with ahendler and learsfool. I do have a listening room which was engineered from the ground up. There are other tweaks out there that are non-traditional and a little woo-woo to some that may be worth looking at: http://http//www.stereotimes.com/post/stillpoints-aperture-acoustic-panels/ http://http//www.6moons.com/audioreviews/3tweaks/1.html |
I think there are countless ways for audiophiles to both wander into, and out of, the many pitfalls involved with the subject of room treatment, but I would agree with others here that it's very easy to overdo it and you usually have to find some suitable, and mostly subjective, method for finding your way through it, assuming treatment is needed at all. If you're intent on going a strictly objective route to be sure, then I'd say consulting a pro may be the best way to go. |
I made my own treatments and put them at the 1st and 2nd reflection points. Built frames to go around them and voilà. In a small room, treatments are critical. In a large room where you can set up a near field listening system, it's not as critical. Based on my experience, room treatments have bettered every room so far. I would rather hear a mid-fi system in a well treated room than a hi-fi system in an un-treated room. My $0.02 worth. |