In need high-efficency speakers

I recently purchased a preowned Mystere IA-11 40 watt tube integrated amp to replace a 120 wpc SS amp. Overall it has a very satisfying sound with plenty of detail, dynamics and a tight bass for a tube amp.

The problem is the combination of our large town-home living/dining room combo with my 87db DIY Seas Froy Mk3 speaker, powered by the 40 watt amp means it can’t play loud, especially a problem with movies or TV specials.

I was hoping to change to the Zu Audio Omen Mk2 or Klipsch Heresy III high-efficency speakers. My wife and I agree it is unwise to spend that kind of money with our current finances. The Zu Dirty Weekend would be a cheaper option, but the Klipsch would look better in our living room.

So I’m looking for solid advice on what to do from this audiophile community.

Here is a link to my ’Virtual System’ if that will help.

Thanks all,
  Don't take this the wrong way.  I think I'm talking to a man ???? The wife tricked you again
 The time will never be right to buy the speakers 
You want if you ask her for advice. Do it my way just buy the things you want.   It's so sad.  Don't let kids see you it messes up their heads 
Eric Alexander will take care of you.   If you know what I mean    Sir.    
Al and David_ten,
There is nothing wrong w/ the amp and tubes have little hours on them according to Echo Hi-Fi. My speakers are great too. The sound is lovely w/ music. I think the imagined hardening is greater dynamics in a lively living room w/o any rugs or sound treatment. We like to crank it more w/ movies and for tv specials through the lower output dac. That’s simply it. I never turned it up past 1:00 for fear of damage to amp or speakers, but tonight will try turning it up more as mentioned here when we watch a tv special. I’ve tried higher efficient 94db Klipsch ksb3.1 bookshelf speakers and the added volume is a welcome plus.