In need high-efficency speakers

I recently purchased a preowned Mystere IA-11 40 watt tube integrated amp to replace a 120 wpc SS amp. Overall it has a very satisfying sound with plenty of detail, dynamics and a tight bass for a tube amp.

The problem is the combination of our large town-home living/dining room combo with my 87db DIY Seas Froy Mk3 speaker, powered by the 40 watt amp means it can’t play loud, especially a problem with movies or TV specials.

I was hoping to change to the Zu Audio Omen Mk2 or Klipsch Heresy III high-efficency speakers. My wife and I agree it is unwise to spend that kind of money with our current finances. The Zu Dirty Weekend would be a cheaper option, but the Klipsch would look better in our living room.

So I’m looking for solid advice on what to do from this audiophile community.

Here is a link to my ’Virtual System’ if that will help.

Thanks all,
Ihor agree+1, the alnico are very very musical, you can get away with cheaper RS8 if you don’t have the budget for Alnico...
Thanks for all the feedback on the Omega’s w/ alnico magnet. Makes me wonder why I sold my Altec Lansing Model 15 a few years back w/ their bent horn and 12" alnico magnet woofer.

Here's a photo of them on the Great Plains website...don't know how it got there.
I've done many a stupid thing in the past and parting with this system about 4 years ago has to be at the top of the list.


If you're near Chicago there is a pair of the Zu's just listed on Audio Circle.