InfiniCaps in Audio Research gear

Who out there has tried InfiniCaps in older ARC designs or had ARC mod your unit with these caps . I am just wondering what others have felt about the results. I have an SP9, which was discontinued before InfiniCaps were used by ARC. I am very pleased myself with the results after swithching out several WonderCaps for the InfiniCaps. Anyone else try this. What did you think when you were done? What unit did you try it with?
My next step is to attempt to put an IEC connector on it and plug in a better power cord.
The Infiniti caps are very good, but you might find you can get more out of the ARC unit by rewiring the signal paths as well as I did years ago with some ARC units. The new caps will likely be smoother and you can go with internal wiring that will allow more information through as well....
Hey Max,

Please give me more impressions on your 9 after you got the iec installed. I've been contemplating installing one on my CA50, but the procedure seems like a pain in the arse. Is the stock cord bottlenecking the performance of your system compared to after you got the iec? I might ship it to Steve Shuntely to get it done along with upgrading the amp. But his mods are a bit mucho dinero for my blood...
Cresendo caps from North Creek Music Systems are my favorites in most applications, including speakers, and tube equipement..
Rcrump. What hookup wire did you try?

Viggen, I am not done evaluating it yet but initially I think that the IEC is going to let me take the unit to a new level. As I only have one aftermarket cord right now, I use it on my CD2, I put it on the 9 and I listened to the TT. It did everything that the cord did for my CD player. It has better extension as well as smoothness and a more realistic presentation of space. The sound seems to just flow in a more relaxed way and it does seem to be spooky quiet now. Yes cutting a hole is a major stress event. It starts when you cut the power cord off, man you are commited to doing something now! What does Great Northern charge for an IEC? I will know more about the potential when I get an even better cord for the CD and use my current one for the 9. By the way, Viggen how did it turn out with your CA50? Did the dumb ass that sold it to you with EL-34's help you out on the repair? As I said before that CA did belong to a friend of mine who sold it to the dufas you bought it from. I am not done with the 9 yet, TRT has a brand new cap called the DynamiCap that I am trying to find out more about. Could get even more interesting. It is suposed to be even better that the InfiniCap. I may be trying a few hear and there.
Hey Max,
That Dufus is missing in action. I don't even see him on Audiogon anymore, and he used to be an avid contributor. The CA is in perfect shape now. Gary Garfield of Musical Fidelity did a great job restoring it to as new condition. He is adamant against me using NOS tubes tho. And, I asked him to install an IEC on it, but he didn't really want to do it unless I REALLY want to. Apparently it is a pain in the arse as you know. I talked to Steve at GNS a few times, but I never approached him regarding the IEC. We just talked about his packaged modification for the CA which includes lots and lots of stuff. But the price is a bit steep for my blood...