Infinity F.E.T. preamp

I am getting up in years and don't spend the time listening as much as I do playing my drums and guitars. I have an Infinity F.E.T. preamp (blue) S/N 173. It has a slight background hum and I am not inclined to put money into it. Anybody have an idea what it might be worth as is, or will it be worth getting all the bugs worked out prior to selling?  I'm torn because I have yet to hear a better preamp (yes it blew away my SP-6). I now run a Marsh Audio P2000., because of the hum issue in the FET. The Marsh is close in character, but just doesn't do the sound-stage quite as well. Now on a limited income I face reality. The Marsh is close close enough to my old ears, and I hope to pass the FET off To someone who will really appreciate it.



I saw the FET preamp and Class D amp appear - and disappear years ago (1977?)! Poor marketing? I bought my first pair of Infinity speakers that year - Monitor 1A's.
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I seem to recall the original Infinity class D amp (SWAMP) was unstable. John Urlick of Infinity who designed it went on to form Spectron, which redefined the class D circuitry in his amplifiers with better devices. I own a Digital One amp and love it with my Dunlavy SC-IVa’s. John told me that John Dunlavy voiced his speaker designs using Spectron amps.
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It's been a few years since I posted this, but I haven't done anything with the preamp. I'll be pulling it out soon to sell it and wanted to offer it to you first as you requested.


Bob Specht