Innersound ESL amplifier - good choice?

I am considering the Innersound ESL amp for my maggie 1.6QR's.
Does anyone have experience with this amp?
Is it really as good as TAS says?
I do not see many people commenting on them and I normally like tube amps but want to keep my speakers. My Rogue Magnum 120's do not have enough power and dynamic range for these speakers. I have the Magnum 99 pre as well.
Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you everyone who has help me on Audigon in the past.
Innersound on Quad 989's: dynamic with sterile spatial presentation and hard upper mids. Not hard/glaring like a GE 6650 tube, but more subtlely threadbare, the kind of trait that is only noticed when you realize that you are not listening as much, i.e like with the Nordost SPM line of cables. Harmonically denuded. Moves great on rock recordings, but boring and homogenous, even on rock recordings, over time. Sounds like an evolutionary step from a digital switching amp, which is not good.

Get a Plinius with enough current to drive the panels. No tubes, more spatial and musical, and you can sell it easier down the road (and when all of this Innersound hoop-la by the young and exhuberiant necessarily dies down...).

By the way, never "trust" a magazine. A resource, yes, but one with a financial agenda that is best recognized.

Hey Asa... Have you heard the Innersound with Magnepan 1.6's? What was the comment about "and when all of this Innersound hoop-la by the young and exhuberiant necessarily dies down..." about? What do you know about the people who use the Innersound amp? All equipment is system dependent, so don't base your experience on just your system without hearing it with other equipment! Oh by the way, good comment Brianmgrarcom.
Thanks everyone,
I welcome all comments negative or posative as I feel like I can learn from both.
your comment about the subtlely threadbare quality is exactly the sort of thing I am concerned about with a solid state amp (after 20 years of listening mostly to tubes). Also it is a quality my stereo has a little of right now and I am running Nordost Blue Heaven cables. I think they may well be the culprit, but they have other nice qualities at this price and I have been trying to live with them.
I have decided to trust any magazine much in the same way I trust people in general, sometimes you run across the bad egg but it is my way, of course my ears (not painted on by the way) are what I trust and not many sway me beyond them.
I am considering your advice as well, Plinius is consistently recommended by all.
well, let me put it this way...the Innersound pre and Innersound amp replaced a tube pre and a tube amp in my system...i'm using Innersound Isis speakers and i don't have any problems with the highs or with the lows...everything sounds just fine to me...when i used Nordost speaker cables the sound was lifeless...fortunately i changed to Innersound speaker cables (cheaper than the Nordost) and i'm in audio heaven since....Plinius is a good amp as well, but performance/price ratio is higher with the Innersound amp...