Integrated $500-1K for Classic Jazz

I have been reading through posts on this forum, which has been very helpful, but I am hoping to get more specific guidance. My current system is as follows: (1) NAD 320BEE integrated amp; (2) Wharfedale Pacific Evo 8 bookshelf speakers; and (3) Arcam CD72 cd-player. I use audio-art cabling and run everything through a ps audio duet power cleaner.

This has been a budget system in the making over the last 5 years. I listen exclusively to classic jazz - piano, trumpet, trios, and jazz vocals. The one thing I've always loved about the Wharfedale's is their exceptional midrange -- very clear, warm, and superb for vocals. The Arcam was the newest addition, and is wonderful. I'm looking to upgrade the NAD integrated. It's served me well, but the one thing I think I've really noticed is that the soundstage and imaging is rather poor. You don't get that sense on well recorded albums that there is separation between the instruments; the clarity and focus of the sound is lacking. Perhaps I'm simply looking for a slightly more forward sound? I know that the Wharfedales and NAD components are generally considered "warm."

I've been somewhat spoiled because I was able to "borrow" my father's musical fidelity amp and preamp for the past few months, and the sound is breathtaking. What I'm hoping to do is improve my integrated amp for under $1000. I'm open to good used gear. I know my budget is rather small, but anyone have any ideas?
Thank you all for the suggestions! I'll start looking into some of them - esp. the Cayin and Music fidelity. Here's a strange question though I suppose -- is it really worthwhile to spend less than $1000 on an integrated? In other words, should I stick with what I have for now and when I can move up to the next price level, go for that? Is the improvement over the NAD really going to be noticable for under a grand? I suppose this is a subjective question, I know.
Add to Mik971 suggestions, the Luxman 391 hybrid is quite sweet in the midrange (better than the 105 which is also decent). Jolida 1501 is also decent, particularly if you change out stock tube in preamp.
If you like the Musical Fidelity sound, I can also highly recommend the A300 which was the model above the A3. It delivers a very sweet 150 w/ch and can be had for under $1k 2nd hand. I previously had it driving $6k Mordaunt-Short Performance 6 speakers and it was in no way outclassed. It now resides in a 2nd system with Usher Be-718s. A super amp.
In answer to your question, yes, it is worth it to spend up to $1,000 to upgraded from the NAD 320bee. I had the NAD, along with the MF integrateds I mentioned earlier. The a3.5 or the a300 as Hens suggested would be a significant upgrade.