Integrated Amp for Silverline Prelude II

Hi All,

Just purchased a pair of Silverline Prelude mkII for a non-audiophile friend. I'd like some recommendations on integrated amplifiers that are a good match for these speakers. I'm open to all suggestions, but I think that she'll be less disposed to tubes (though I hear the PrimaLuna is a good match) and might want a remote (though I was thinking of a Portal Panache). Price is also a consideration. Looking for the best bang for the buck.

Thanks, Peter
I am very impressed with Audio Analogue amps. Superb quality and workmanship and a very musical sound. I own the Maestro Settanta Rev2 and that amp would work wonders for your Silverlines. For less money the Puccini would also be an excellent match. I simply cannot count all the amps that I have been through in my long life as an Audiophile, but the Audio Analogue has been (by far) the best. Just do a Google search and you will certainly be impressed. I no longer own Silverlines, but my AA amp makes my Ref 3a DeCappo-i's (soon to be BE's) just open up with cathedral like soundstaging with gorgeous musical tones.

My 0.0238 cents
Tubears, AA amps do sound good, but that stepped volume control on many would drive any non-audioplile nuts, it did me on the one I owned . The Easterm Electric I replaced it with was also big step up in sound.
I still use the AA Bellini pre as a phonostage.
Thanks all for those good suggestions. I will keep my eyes open for any of these products on the used market. I think any of these might do well, and none are too expensive.