Integrated to go with KEF LS50

I am looking for a good integrated amp to pair with KEF LS50 speakers and
Dynaudio X32 speakers. I have Primaluna separates that are 45 or so watts per
channel) but sometimes want to just go in and fire up the old stereo and start
listening instead of warm up time etc. My Primaluna sounds great with the
majority of my music (acoustic, folk, jazz) but sometimes I would like to play
some King Crimson of something harder or not so well recorded. Any
recommendation on an integrated amp (I only have one shelf available) that would
work. Both of these speakers are around 86 db so more power would be great. I am
trying to keep it in the 2000.00 or less price range for new or used. I mainly
listen to cds through a Marantz 6005 cd player. Would an integrated be a smart
move. New to the site and saw so much for sale by members I just thought I would
ask. Any help or advice would be much appreciated. I am in Oklahoma so not much
chance of listening in any stores. Open to offers from members with equipment
for sale. Thanks.
Most SS amps will make your ears bleed with these.
NAD house sound is safest bet if you can't compare.
Schubert makes a good suggestion with NAD. The C326BEE or 356BEE would be good choices. The Marantz PM8005 or PM6005 should work well especially with your Marantz cdp.

You might want to check out the Arcam FMJ A19. It is known to be a great match with the LS50. Arcam used the A19/LS50 combo at shows and What HiFi recommends the match. I've had the A19 for a bit over a year now and really enjoy it.
A friend is using a Peachtree Audio 125wpc integrated. I think he paid around 1200.00 for the amp and it sounds excellent with his LS50 speakers.