Integrated tube amplifier - finest ?

In looking for a superior tube integrated, I have come across the Bel Canto SET40i, Jadis Orchestra Reference, Pathos, Viva Sintesi, EAR V20 and Unison Research. Has anyone done a head to head with any of the above ? Of those I've heard, the BelCanto is my favorite, but the remote may be coloring my opinion. Any thoughts on these units would be most appreciated, particularly the Viva Sintesi and Unison Research. Most of my listening is done at low to moderate volume, simple stuff (acoustic, female vocals and chamber music) and always off axis, so purity of tone is more important to me than soundstage and/or imaging. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, this is a wonderful resource you all share ! Anubis
I found the VAC Avatar to so profoundly change tonal color that I felt compared to measure its response (on an easy 4.5-9.5 ohm speaker load): compared to several SS amps, which mutually agreed well within the +-0.25 dB resolution of my meter, the Avatar...down 3dB at 250Hz climbing through 0 at 1kHz, then peaking at +3dB at 3-4kHz (ouch! went the horns!), then falling precipitously to -8dB at 10kHz! (no air wharsoever!), then recovering to +2db at 20kHz. The dealer verified that the amp was functioning normally, so I called VAC, who admitted that all EL34-based amps are colored tonally, and that I should try their more expensive separates for a neutral sound! Oy.... I ended up getting Aleph separates for an easy, but pricey, solution. From my experience I can imagine that the AVATAR may synergize well with a speaker that has complementary frequency response anomalies, like an overly warm lower mid, too-soft low treble, yet VERY hot high treble. OTOH, I'm not even aware of such a speaker design, but obviously some folks like what this amp does to their system...but neutral it ain't--not by a long shot! Subjective effect: male voices severely pinched, horns and strings VERY hard, cymbals & brushes extremely rolled off. I'm sorry if my criticism seems harsh, but this amp wasted a lot of my time. Happy hunting.
I am also looking at high end integrated amplifiers for purchase. I am looking for comparisons between tube and transistor amplifiers in the $2000-5000 range, particularly the Plinius 8150, the Bow Wazoo, Classe etc. I would like phono but no absolute need. Let know of your listening experiences. Thanks, Rich Mitchell
Rich Mitchell, If you want SS integrated listen to Gryphon's 100 watt int. It is much better than Plinius int. or there seperates. Have no knowledge of Bow Wazoo.
You should check out the Manley Stingray.Very fine piece and an excellant company.Stereophile class b and The Absolute sound recommended.
The CJ CAV50 with it's stock tubes is OK at best. BUT...with some choice NOS tubes it is a world beater. As good or better as anything up to 5 grand.