unreceivedogma"”there have been many instances where cable differences have been scientifically shown, proven and established these include measurement based tests as well as double blind, scientific controlled double blind listening tests and yes these are reproduceable”
show me even one. I asked you already. You have failed to substantiate your position, one that I regard as a placebo-induced theological stance."
You are obviously suffering from some juvenile impatience combined with a self-righteous indignation so you would be best advised to 'cool your heels' and leave your religious fervor at the door if what you truly seek is knowledge Google is your friend and their is abundant science available that shows cable differences scientifically proven in repeatable, scientific verifiable listening tests so you can stop with your pronouncements and preachings.
here's some reading for you that may impart some knowledge if you can open up that steel trap of a brain for a bit. You're welcome. You can STFU now.