Interesting Magico news

They are now using a 'polymer' sub-enclosure in their S5 MK 11 - for the 'critical' midrange
driver no less. 
Isn't this similar to what Wilson Audio has been using for years?
Big money doesn't always mean great sound Magico speakers are good at 40% off or so.I sure hope there service got better.This being said there are many great sounding speaker out there  many companies don't get the press Magico gets or the hype that Valin who gets everything for free gives them.Great sound to everyone enjoy!!


Yes, I know I was super-oversimplifying, in saying that the chamber looked like a plastic dish shape. 

I realize that their design goals and manufacturing tolerances are all done toward state-of-the art results. At this level and with this company, I'm sure that nothing is done/included in the final product that is not for an engineering, quality, [and resulting sound] reason.

They are now using a ’polymer’ sub-enclosure in their S5 MK 11 - for the ’critical’ midrange
driver no less.
Isn’t this similar to what Wilson Audio has been using for years?

There is a difference between building the entire cabinet from a polymer, a very damp material, not suitable for optimal bass and highs enclosure and drivers coupling, and using it as an internal midrange enclosures, which a polymer damping characteristic is ideal for.

Without precisely addressing the "damping" properties of their 
polymer sub enclosure-- as the 
"specs" of the polymer are unknown to me-- I feel the shape of the
sub enclosure is of more benefit in breaking up other backwaves in 
the overall cabinet enclosure, rather than benefiting the elimination of the 
mid range backwave. Here is a paragraph from a piece done by Doug Blackburn
which I find appropriate and succint;
" Undamped backwave energy can bounce around inside the speaker several times, eventually hitting the back of the driver’s cone again. When the backwave hits the back of the cone, the cone radiates some of that sound into the room as distortion. The backwave sound is delayed and decorellated. It is no longer related to the sound on the original recording; it has become distortion. The delayed backwave sound did not exist in the original recording, and this makes it distortion."
The laws of physics are what make cones radiate the same amount of 
sound to the rear as well as the front.
Perhaps Magico has a magic stuffing material?
Where does that energy go?