Internet Radio - help please

My friend just spent about $700 for a reconditioned Marantz - model???. I'm very impressed with the volume of stations and sound quality. It has an internal DAC and once set up gets free internet radio from all over the world. I do have an external DAC with RCA & USB inputs. So, hoping to make use of the DAC with another ??? device.
I'm considering an external device, not a laptop, that I could hook up to my external DAC that will accommodate internet radio via ethernet connection. Hoping to spend less than $300.
Any suggestions?
Thanks and have a great day
I use a Logitech Touch, and run the coaxial SPDIF output into my Meridian G68 and the sound quality is really good, (much better than I expected). The Touch connects to the WWW via Wi-Fi through an AT&T U-Verse high speed gateway.

I recently acquired a DaySequerra MultiMerge 1 which goes between the Touch and the Meridian G68 to decode DTS Neural webcasts. It connects to the Touch via its coaxial SPDIF output, and to the Meridian via the 3 MHR links. The number of 5.1 DTS Neural encoded programs, particularly APM-sourced classical programs, is surprising, and provides really great sound - much better than stereo.
I just bought a Touch via Amazon for $239 shipped for internet radio only to use with an external DAC. It took me 5 minutes to setup. If you get the free squeezenetwork account, you don't a computer but just an internet wireless or ethernet connection.
Please see the web site below for a list Internet radios:

Calm Radio offers 90+ channels of music streaming at 64k for free with commercials. I signed up for $60 per year subscription for 192k streaming with NO commercials. The list of radios above is provided by Calm Radio to help you find the best radio for you.