Introspective of this forum: "Does the Audiophile Community Have a Promlem?" I Say yes!!!

This article is so insightful to this forum and the toxicity in the community. (My Opinion)

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone?

I know I have contributed to the toxicity here and will try to be a better citizen. Hopefully some will read this and see they are part of the problem (LOL)

Some will not and continue to play their roll as the Toxic Avenger.


There is a particular board on a specific forum that was hidden from the outside world because of how horrible it was. Where personal politics and racism was the norm 24-7 and one member even committed suicide after months of abuse. We watched him fight with other members on a daily basis and get a lot of heat back. He was fine most of the time when dealing with him on a individual basis but then he descended into some really horrible commentaries about race and certain countries and he went down the rabbit hole into some dark places.

Websites like ASR hold zero interest for me because a lot of the users are just there to be “right” and make others feel very small because their views don’t align with certain points of view.
