Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?

The RMAF begins on Friday. Will anyone attend?
Reasons to to go to Hi Fi Shows

1. Simply to have fun. You have a system you really like.

2. You wonder if you system is out dated. 

3. You are thinking of updating you system or a part of it. 

4. To gloat over how good your system sounds compared to the junk at the show. Just kidding here. 
Last weekend, in Denver, at RMAF was an awesome get-away. Monday off. 4 day work week afterward.  Winner!

I heard a couple components I plan to seriously follow-up on. Possibly an in-home audition, if possible.

But seated now, in the sweet spot of my system, a Kenny Barron trio unfolding in front of me, I'm reminded why I do this. The Music.
Doesn't sound like many people went. Kind of interesting all these people on line wanting to know what they should purchase and then miss the opportunity to go and hear about every brand and talk to manufactures and other users. Might be the Amazon influence. Just buy on line. 
From what I saw the show seemed well attended. Most rooms were full, and I quite often had to wait to get a good seat.

My wife and I weren't that impressed.  Most rooms played some God awful music that we would never listen to so we couldn't make any comparisons.  I was extremely disappointed in The Marketplace, not many sellers and everything was at full retail!  We walked in and out of many rooms because we couldn't stand the music and nothing really moved us.

The last audio show I attended prior to the RMAF was the Stereophile show back in the late 90's in NYC.   For one thing, there were many venders selling their products at good discounts and the rooms were much bigger and I enjoyed it more back then.