Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
nomad54: i know that Spatial (the new X-1) & Larsen make speakers specifically for DEQX users and was wondering if there are any others?
Legend Acoustics Tikandi
Have been in contact with Larry Owens. 
No upgrade path for a PreMate to Roon capability.

i think I had Larsen confused with a predecessor to Alta Audio.
I have recently completed new Open Baffle speakers utilising both DEQX processors as mentioned in previous threads. Linking master-slave by RS232 + digital cabling was straight forward. The HDP-5 controls the main speakers, the HDP-3 two subs at <50hz.

Currently I have only measured outdoors at a relatively low height because of the weight of these speakers. At a later date I will re-do this at 1m height. Rather than move the entire system outdoors I used 15m speaker cables and two interconnected 7m microphone cables (to Earthworks M23) from the music room.

New images are posted in my Audiogon profile

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