Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Your post makes me want a DEQX. Thanks for pulling all your experiences into one here.
Just got my copy of the December Stereophile. Kal, thanks much for your characteristically thorough, nuanced, and excellent review.

Thanks also to Drewan, Psag, Forrestc, and Bruce for your comments on your DEQX experiences. I'm sold, and I expect to order one sometime this winter (don't want to do it now for unrelated reasons). In my case it would be an HDP-4, in part because I want the three sets of outputs it provides.

Regarding Roscoe's mention of the jitter measurements, and the slight misgivings JA expressed about some of the other measurements, those all involved noise and spurii that were so far below the levels of the test signals (in nearly all cases considerably more than 100 db below, at any individual frequency), that I’d be surprised if they had any audible significance. Plus the manufacturer's response to the review indicates that the jitter performance of the current design has been improved by the addition of a "very low-noise power supply regulator."
11-12-14: Bombaywalla
good to read that you continue to like your purchase of DEQX & that you've come over to the side of time-aligned speakers. :-) Glad you recognize & hear what time-alignment can do for music playback - I feel that all my posts weren't all in vain...... at least one person listened & benefited. :-)
So I expect that to become at least two persons! Thanks :-)

-- Al
Alright, will love to read about what you have to say regarding your DEQX purchase Al. Best of luck on that. I'll be watching.
Woo-hoo, Almarg!! :-)
I was happy to read your post indeed & am looking forward to your personal experience with time-coherency thru DEQX.
From my personal experience & from Bruce's experience I believe that you will be nothing short of amazed what time-coherency can do for music play-back. It's the only way to go & I'm sure that, like myself & Bruce, once you get used to time-coherent speakers you won't ever go back. :-)
Like many others I'll be watching this space for your feedback.
Thanks for joining the time-coherent "gang" - you will not be disappointed....