11-22-14: Bifwynne
... my "redbook" ARC Ref CD-8 CDP is hooked up to the PreMATE via two modalities: (1) analogue through my ARC Ref 5 SE preamp in "normal" analogue fashion and (2) digitally via the digital output of CD-8 directly into the PreMate's XLR input. In the later case, my CDP is acting merely as a transport and the PreMATE is the DAC.
Hi Bruce,
At the risk of adding further complication to an already very complicated assessment and adjustment process, I'll mention that I would keep in mind the possibility that the sonics you hear from the analog and the digital outputs of your CDP MIGHT be affected, at least slightly, by having both of those outputs connected into your system simultaneously.
Having multiple paths in the system through which signal return (ground) currents can flow, some of them associated with digital circuitry and some with analog circuitry, raises a caution flag in my mind about the possibility of one affecting the other, at least slightly. And also the possibility of issues arising from ground loops involving those signal return connections and the AC safety ground wiring of the three components. And, finally, the possibility of low-level "crosstalk" within the DEQX between the digital and analog inputs, if and when signals are provided to both at the same time.
-- Al