Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Bombaywalla, you and your comments are certainly respected.
I lack tech knowledge and so must re-read these last posts. However Drewan I believe a "most refined" power supply is the basic requirement of a great product.My experience has taught that as your basic equipment, pre & amp, become of exceptional quality it is noise that limits the ultimate refinement of the music and to my ear it's very noticeable; not as noise per se, but as limiting dynamics,nuance and particularly the spatial presentation of the orchestra.I know how even minute amounts of noise have a significant effect in my Spectral & MIT system,as I have experimented & invested in quality power conditioning & isolating products which allow the ability to "cascade" complementary products in a very revealing & informative way.My Spectral DMC20 pre has a 'highly touted' separate power supply (which I came to feel was the units weakest link as I thought that a robust power supply should 'perfectly' isolate the effects of ac noise). My system reveals how insidious any electrical(perhaps also magnetically generated) noise interferes with the systems ability to render the magic of great sound reproduction. The DEQX is "an added link in the chain" which can only add noise!(then consider cabling). I can't help it - the more this is discussed the more I feel the move to the switching power supply is "only" about saving money. Transportation costs are becoming a more significant aspect of cost all the time.
Drewan & Ptss, thanks for your latest comments, which are valued as always.

Pete, a point to keep in mind is that a downside, or at least a potential downside, of the extraordinarily wide bandwidth of your Spectral equipment can be expected to be increased sensitivity to any RFI/high frequency interference that may find its way into the circuitry of those components, compared to components having more typical bandwidths.

Also, as I pointed out earlier the PreMate, which was well reviewed by Kal and has been found to be beneficial in Bruce's (Bifwynne's) very high quality system, uses a switching power supply.

Finally, it would seem understandable that the internal real estate and the additional power required to support inclusion in the HDP-5 of the touchscreen and its associated CPU and other circuitry could very well have necessitated going to a switching power supply.

Best regards,
-- Al
Ptss, what you say is logical and I understand why this concerns you.

I guess I am fortunate that my HDP3 uses the same linear power supply as the HDP4. However the PDC 2.6 I first listened to and the Premate others here refer to both have 'inferior' power supplies, nevertheless all seem happy so I guess it's a question of personal expectations or the different things each listen for.

I recommend anyone who is concerned about this email Alan Langford and ask DEQX directly:

He has always replied to me, sometimes after several days and not always with a first response that answers my question but he is helpful.
The HDP-5 is now the top of the line unit for DEQX. Audiophiles are the target audience. You can be sure that the power supply on the HDP-5 is as good or better than anything they've ever used.