Is it all in my head??

So I bought a Kimber Power Kord...  yeah, yeah, but it looks prettier than stock, is well built, and having built all my cables myself I appreciated the craftsmanship., I'm playing an Everest LP--symphony stuff.. and it always sounded noisy and muffled (which is why i decided to give it a spin).  The power cable is plugged into my furman conditioner, and all the other cables are the same.  I swear this LP sounds more "untangled" now (that's the best way i can describe it).

I am an engineer and know intellectually this makes zero sense--is it some confirmation bias?  How can it be.. i didnt buy it expecting a sonic impact, i bought it because i couldn't make one that looks as cool (think of it as a necklace for my rig).  But I swear I think i hear a difference...  tell me it's all in my head.
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The power to your system comes to it through hundreds of miles of wire owned by the utility company, but what wire you use in the last 2 feet will materially change it? Does this 2 feet of wire "add" something or "subtract" something from the power that enters your house?
The electricity then enters the internal wiring of your pre-amp/receiver and this addition/subtraction remains intact?
Have a buddy play 10 songs for you blind.  Ones that you’re intimately familiar with.  Play each song twice.  Once with the upgraded cord, and another with the stock cord.

Pick your favorite.  If you somehow pick the upgraded cord even 75% of the time as your favorite, well then you’re either fairly lucky or truly can tell the difference.  My guess is you’d guess correctly about half the time.  
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