Is it biwiring or biamping if using two separate speaker posts of a single amp?

Hey all,

Perhaps a silly question but, 
I'm using a Creek 5350SE and Neat Motive 3 speakers. I read somewhere that the Neat's benefit from biamping, but not necessarily from biwiring.

If I connect the Hi to A and Lo to B, is that biamping or biwiring?
My thought is that the amp has the ability to drive two sets of speakers, and when I use only one binding posts, it should in theory have reserve, unused power for an additional set.

Appreciate the info, thanks !
"Since your Creel 5350SE is capable of driving two sets of speakers, through it's A or B outputs, if your were to hook up both A&B outputs to one set of speakers, this would be considered bi-amping."

Sorry, that is incorrect. A & B outputs are just 2 connections to a single amplifier. Bi-amping requires 2 separate amplifier channels to each speaker. So either 2 stereo amps, 4 mono blocks, or a multi-channel amp with at least 4 channels is necessary for bi-amping a 2 channel system.

"If I connect the Hi to A and Lo to B, is that biamping or biwiring?"

That is bi-wiring. Also, using A or A&B on a single pair of speakers has no appreciable effect on amplifier output.

Al, I will wield the floor to you, thanks for correcting my mistake. Anyone willing to research this enough to read the manual needs to be given credit, where credit is due.
