Is it me or new audio gear is too perfect and give ear fatigue?

Since getting back into the hobby during covid I’ve really enjoyed listening to music vs. bluetooth low quality speakers.  Since listening to my Nautilus 803 speakers with old Yamaha Amps (MX1, MX1000) they’ve been sweet sounding and warm.

A lot of people have said the new equipment is near perfect chasing specs, sounding bright and causing ear fatigue.

Curious if people feel the same?


Isn’t it that if it’s brand new gear it needs to be broken in a little to smooth out some of the edginess.

New cables can offer a bright sound and then when used for a while they soften.

During the waiting period and if you have tone controls you can reduce the treble. And then bring it back after the warm up phase.

Also a lot has to do with ears adjusting to the new experience.

You may notice brightness but you also may want to consider the improved detail elsewhere as a way to appreciate improvement of system


I agree. Most modern gear today sounds awful. 😬 It looks ugly and is very expensive. Buy vintage if you can. 

I agree. Most modern gear today sounds awful. 😬 It looks ugly and is very expensive. Buy vintage if you can. 


"@arize84 Topping makes some DACs that are quite smooth on top and measure well and are also inexpensive."

Topping Dacs do not sound good in the mid range with human voices. They sound shrill. Many Ess dacs sounds like this.

Quality modern equipment sounds FAR better than vintage. Those who push vintage gear yearn for nostalgia.