Is it possible to be an audiophile and be happy with what you have

It seems like audiophiles are always looking to upgrade. From something as minor as a fuse to upgrading all their components. Music lovers on the other hand seem content with what equipment they have and just want to experience new music. So I ask you, can a audiophile just be happy with what they have? Or is that just not possible being an audiophile?

Wow! That's a first for me. I have heard of people downgrading but never to that extent.

I did the same thing geoff, except took it one step further. I now only collect and listen to wind-up music boxes that only play one song at a time. They use no electricity, look cool, easy to store, require vertually no maintanance and fun for all ages. The downside is, by the time I get back to the listening position from the music box stand, some of the song has already played. I guess I could listen near-field. BTW: I found a good sand filled 24" stand works best.
I don't agree with your premise Taters. I think you can be a music lover, but still enjoy improving your system. There's a big difference between enjoying what you have but enjoying making improvements, and being dissatisfied...
Im very happy with what i have its possible if you know what your doing!!
The human condition is always looking for the next best thing. Be it audio,boats, bikes,jewelry,timepieces,vacations,homes,sex,mates,pets,planes,trains,automobiles etc;etc. Anything that the lust of the flesh and the pride of life can muster up between our birth and death,we all will eventually crave... So to be happy with "what you have" really is not what most people want. We live in a world of play now and pay latter. ymmv