Is it possible to get Hi-end sound ??

Hi guys,
Now, that I am inspired with this hobby, I would like to as you if is it possible to get Hi-end sound without to spend a fortune or selling the home ??
I am poor and want to find the way to do it if possible.
Some ideas !
Hi all,
I am impressed with your answers. You all are awesome. Ok, This is what I already have, Paradigm Studio 100 V2 speakers, Monitor Audio Silver S2 speakers, and B&W DM 602 S2 large bookshelves. My cd player is an NAD 521, amplifiers are vintage Sansui AU-517 and G-5700 receiver. Speaker cables are Straight Wire Stage. I owned an Nad C-370 integrated and a Rotel 1070. Both were sold because they couldn't sound better than the vintage Sansui gear. (IMO) I also have a Monster Cable power supply with 3 step of filter. I listen to light rock and pop mainly. Styx, Supertramp, Phil Collins, Genesis, Elton John, Billy Joel, etc.
I am not totally happy with the sound yet and have $ 1000 to spend to get an improve. I was thinking to find something such as an used McIntosch, Rogue Audio or any other tube preamp or integrated to feed the B&W DM 602 S2. I will need another cd player and was thinking in Cambridge Audio or Arcam. The fact is my best music system ( the Studio 100 are in my HT system for movies ) is the Sansui 517, NAD 521, and the Monitor Audio Silver S2 bookshelves. For some reason, I don't find the B&W matching good with the old Sansui. The reason because I have old Sansui amplifiers is because I haven't found any thing new that compare to them with the price I can pay. Sansui was the best japanese made during 1970/80. Even the Rotel and Nad I have owned couldn't sound better than the vintage Sansui.
As I said elsewhere, about $5000 buying used will get you a really good sound in a room that is not big. Move slowly, upgrade all components one by one. Acceptable sound with no turntable can be had for less.
Wolf...well...I wouldn't say your an idiot. But...I have heard those speakers (not with those amps though) and they sounded AMAZING. I deal with hifi, have been involved with hifi for over 40 yrs and have heard a few things along the way. Not sure what budget gear you are listening to but I'd love to get the list if it sounded ANYTHING like those beautiful Magicos.