is it possible to make digital audio sound like vintage vinyl

sam here with another question. is it possible to make digital audio sound like vintage vinyl ? i realize i'm gonna get ripped a new a-hole however this is not a joke question. honest answers please i can take the heat

as crazy as it sounds it seams perfectly logical to me. now here is what i did using my 2013 dell pc windows 7 32bit.

using foobar 2000 with the convolver dsp filter i made an impulse file consisting of a 1 second wave file extracted at 32 / 88 

from the intro to pink floyds us and them on 1st press vintage vinyl u.k harvest label. just the surface noise before the music 

starts and applied the impulse file to a digital album to see if the digital album now sounds like vintage's the results

not sure if i made the digital audio sound worse or really what i achieved ? feedback will help me decide if i should

abandoned this pipe dream and move on. source is digital download flac 16/44 same source for both before/after samples.

audio sample 1:

audio sample 2 (impulse applied)

audio sample 3:

audio sample 4 (impulse applied)

audio sample 5:

audio sample 6 (impulse applied)
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He made the post 36 hours ago. I don't know his timeline. Maybe he has a life?
sam here for some reason i could not see my public post until now?

i use the word vintage vinyl because to my ears new remastered vinyl sounds different and here’s how i can describe it

vintage vinyl = stereo + stereo depth perception. (soundstage}

new remastered vinyl = stereo + mono depth perception.

digital audio = stereo + mono depth perception.

digital audio + vintage vinyl frequency impulse = stereo + stereo depth perception

stereo depth perception is a made up word i use to describe what i’m hearing. and this is what i like about vintage vinyl. i’m not talking at all about tone just stereo depth perception. if new vinyl had stereo depth perception i would be very happy.

if the master tape is transferred to digital it should have stereo depth perception and it doesn’t?

if i transfer vintage vinyl to digital it does have stereo depth perception ?

this tells me the record company did something on purpose to convert the stereo depth perception to mono depth perception on both the digital copy and the remastered vinyl?

if i import vintage vinyl into izotope rx5 software and use the automated phase button both the left and right channels will now have the same phasing and i no longer have stereo depth perception and the audio sounds just like new remastered vinyl. if i import digital audio and do independent phase correction one channel at a time using auto phase correction, 99% of the time the phasing will be different for each channel and if then process the audio that way i will now have stereo depth perception just like vintage vinyl. and if i use the auto phase on both channels together the phase is always the same giving me mono depth perception.

when i check digital audio run through the impulse file with foobar2000 using the convolver dsp filter 99% of the time the left and right channel phasing is different and when i check the original commercial digital file before applying the impulse and the phasing is always the same?

here is the 1 second impulse file i created using vintage vinyl frequencies extracted at 32 / 88 wav for the convolver dsp filter for foobar2000 in case anybody wants to run there own test. i used the surface noise intro to pink floyds us and them before the music starts as the source 1973 1st press harvest label with the volume turned all the way off (0) for some reason when dealing with frequencies i lose the sound if there is any volume at all. here is a photo of my impulse settings for foobar2000 conolver dsp filter
here is the download link for the impuse file i'm calling digital vinyl

Why would you want to? When you can just buy a quality turntable paired with a quality cartridge and play a vinyl record....I don't understand all the fuss and major expense to get something (digital) to sound like something else (analog) when that something else (analog/vinyl) can easily be had the conventional way.  Don't get me wrong, I love my cd player and transport and my dac, but analog or vinyl it Is not...not even remotely close, and I don't care because I can just throw on a record to get it, much easier imo.