Is it really worth it to get a phono stage over $10k

Vinyl has been a steep learning curve. I have, I think, a nice John Curl phono boards built into my Audible Illusions M3B. I am considering getting the new AI PH-1 $11.5 phono stage. Art Ferris at AI  says that this two box unit, also designed by John Curl, is no compromise able to match or beat the best available. Curl did design the two Constellation PS-Andromeda and Perseus. I wonder if the $35k Perseus puts a lot of $ into the beautiful chassis and unnecessary bell and whistles? AI does have a long lived reputation for value and quality. In addition to the outboard phono stage I will have to get a really good interconnect which will add a lot. My analog rig is super good. Surely the best I have ever had. Woodsong Garrard 301, Ortophon 309 arm, Myajima Shalabi. It has me going a bit nuts in upgrading. $33k Tetra speakers, $7k Stealth speaker cable, $4k Stealth phono cable, amp-to be decided. The main question is whether an expensive our board phono stage is the way to go.
My analog rig is super good. Surely the best I have ever had. Woodsong Garrard 301, Ortophon 309 arm, Myajima Shalabi.

Why not upgrade your cartridge first ? After Shilabe Miyajima released Kansui and Madake. Before you will change a phono stage you could upgrade your Shilabe at least to Kansui, everyone who owned Shilabe and Kansui quickly realized which one is better. 
I have had many phono stages i am using TW ACUSTIC RPS100 phono stage it is 18K.Built wise and sonically it is the best by far it is tube based (2 6DJ8 2 12AX7).I think it is worth every penny.You can easily switch cartridge loading,record curves.etc.Any great phono stage is worth it if you have the records to go with it i have over 5000 LPs mostly classical,some jazz,blues etc. ENJOY!!!
If you are going to spend that kind of money on a phono stage you might want to talk to Dave Slagle.  He wind his own iron and he knows what music sounds like.  Have him build you a lcr phono with silver wire if you are so inclined.  If you are a SET man he is the guy to talk to.  

You can talk over the sound you are looking for then decide which tubes to use, then custom build the lcr and sut's to match.

Enjoy the ride
Consider the Doshi Alaap. New price was 14.5K. I purchased mine here for 6K -6.5K,
forgot. I use it with SETs (45 & 300B Wavelength)). Very Nice, EBM!! 👍
+1 for Dave Slagle. He is also a designer of EMIA, mentioned by Mike Lavigne.