Is it too bright or is it high resolution?

It has been said in the forums that one mans bright sounding amp is another mans high resolution amp. Some amps and preamp combinations can deliver a high resolution presentation and to others this may be considered too bright sounding. Is there a fine line that can distinguish between the two? Personally I like very revealing & the fine details delivered but the wife says it sounds a tad bit too bright.
Every human ear is different. No two are alike. The brain receives impulses from tiny hairs growing in a snail inside your head. The size, shape and length of hairs are different in every ear.  It really is amazing just how much we can agree. Traditionally men loose their hearing from working in loud environments, shooting guns, and playing in rock bands. If you've done none of those things, then your hearing can be every bit as good as a woman of your age, unless she has been doing those things. 

'Bright', HO, seems to go 'mano e mano' with resolution.  Speed in response of the given radiator is another factor....

Just another 'balancing act' with everything involved.  One item in a given system could effect the overall performance....or what I gather from the various topics pursued in the forums here @  AG.....
Ah, male hearing.  I will never forget the Twilight Zone episode in which a babbling wife never stopped talking.  Her long suffering husband just suffered in silence (he dared not interrupt).  Then, one day, while in the car, he rubbed his right ear, and discovered that tugging on his ear lobe shut off the hearing in that ear (the wife was seated to his right) until he tugged it a second time.  The episode ended with the two of them cruising down the road, the wife rambling on about who-knows-what, and, having tugged his right ear lobe, a smiling, oblivious husband.  I'd like to see someone try to air something like that these days!  
PHD - Ha ha - 

Seriously, if I could accomplish that AND switch her to tubes so she also sounds warm, laid back and non-fatiguing?

In a heartbeat!


This "brightness or resolution?" question has been on my mind a  long time. When I first got interested in high end audio in the mid-1980's, I visited many high-end audio stores around the country. I was struck me how, very often the most expensive equipment was (to me) noticeably & unacceptably bright--and often was also lacking in upper bass/lower midrange content. I ultimately found very high resolution systems (preamp/amp/speakers) that weren't bright in the least, had realistic warm/impact in the bass region, yet managed to  convey all the details on LPs, FM radio, or CDs.

I am now repeating this journey in desktop audio & headphones, where many highly respected products are literally treble cannons.

My objection now, as it was then, is that elevated treble (whether in pursuit of "resolution," or just the pleasure some get from amped up treble) sounds nothing like real music. I've been in music halls, jazz clubs, and other performance spaces countless times, and barring music that's entirely electronically conveyed (which plays by different rules), the treble sounds nothing like it does on audio systems. IRL, treble from things like triangle, violins, and high notes of the piano shimmers & sparkles, but disappears quickly; while bass instruments create sound that lingers, while also impacting one's body. In actual performances, details are all simply there, as produced by musicians, with no emphasis needed in any part of the frequency range.

Only in audio equipment does elevated treble impersonate detail.