Hi thyname,
The short answer is that there is always better.
Are you interested in the best sound/ music replication, OR are you interested in having the coolest/sexiest gear. If you have the scratch
you can get both. It's seldom that any one does - I certainly don't.
The Human sensory spectrum with regards to hearing falls within a frequency response of 15 hz - 150 Khz. When putting your system together use that as a guide to the end goal.
There are several unseen factors involved some of which have been mentioned by others in this post - Room Treatments (can be expensive), Cabling, Power Delivery, all are often overlooked in favor of the readily seen, Pre Amps, Power Amps, Dacs etc.
Build a Solid Foundation around the gear you already have. Since you are already pleased with the sound maximize on the performance by Investing in Power chords, Interconnect cables and a Power distributor. Your system will reveal where you are falling short.
As you go along you can make better choices based upon your preference of Tube gear, Solid State gear, Analog, Digital or a combination. What ever you decide, Stay within your budget and have fun.
IMHO Solid / reasonably priced products to invest in
MTB -6 R-1
http://www.oyaide.comPower Oval 2
Speaker Cables / Interconnects - a little more $$ but for the money the best and last you would ever invest in